Our Programs
HOPE Program
Access To Education Program (A.T.E)
Our A.T.E Program provides students in developing countries the supplies needed to go to school. Since 2018, we have impacted over 450 students. We supplied students in Honduras, Cuba, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico school supplies.
Our vision for the A.T.E program is to supply students with school supplies provided schools aid to implement technology in there curriculum to allow student receive a more effectively learning experience.
The Hope Program, launched at the beginning of 2023, was created to expand our impact on students. Our goal through the Hope Program is to provide students the hope that attending school will lead to future oppturnintunes.
Currently, the program will begin in Quiche, Guatemala, where over 96% of the population is indigenous and less than 1% of all students will complete high school. One of the issues the Hope Program addresses is the lack of job opportunities after graduation.
The Hope Program will provide schools with a new or improved school that will provide student vocational training in alternative energy.